Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Jewish Prayer for Peace

Jewish Prayer for Peace


  1. Jewish Prayers

    Judaism is one of the oldest religions still existing today. It began as the religion of the small nation of the Hebrews, and through thousands of years of suffering, persecution, dispersion, and occasional victory, has continued to be a profoundly influential religion and culture. Today, 14 million people identify themselves as Jewish. Modern Judaism is a complex phenomenon that incorporates both a nation and a religion, and often combines strict adherence to ritual laws with a more liberal attitude towards religious belief. 1


    A Jewish Prayer for Peace

    Come, let us go to the mountain of the Lord, that we may walk the paths of the Most High.
    And we shall beat our swords into plough-shares and our spears into pruning hooks.
    Nation shall not lift up sword against nation; neither shall they learn war any more.
    And none shall be afraid, for the mouth of the Lord of Hosts has spoken.
    Prayer for World Peace


    How Wonderful, O Lord

    How wonderful, O Lord, are the works of your hands!
    The heavens declare Your glory,
    the arch of the sky displays Your handiwork
    In Your love You have given us the power
    to behold the beauty of Your world
    robed in all its splendor.
    The sun and the stars, the valleys and the hills,
    the rivers and the lakes all disclose Your presence.
    The roaring breakers of the sea tell of Your awesome might,
    the beast of the field and the birds of the air
    bespeak Your wondrous will.
    In your goodness you have made us able to hear
    the music of the world. The voices of the loved ones
    reveal to us that you are in our midst.
    A divine voice sings through all creation.
    - Jewish Prayer


    Jewish Prayer

    And God saw everything that He had made, and found it very good.
    And He said: This is a beautiful world that I have given you.
    Take good care of it; do not ruin it.
    It is said: Before the world was created, the Holy One kept
    creating worlds and destroying them. Finally, He created this one,
    and was satisfied. He said to Adam: This is the last world I
    shall make. I place it in your hands: hold it in trust.
    - Jewish Prayer


    Grant Us Peace

    Grant us peace. Your most precious gift, O Eternal Source of Peace,
    and give us the will to proclaim its message to all the peoples of the earth.
    Bless our country, that it may always be a stronghold of peace,
    and its advocate among the nations.
    May contentment reign within its borders, health and happiness within its homes.
    Strengthen the bonds of friendship among the inhabitants of all lands.
    And may the love of Your name hallow every home and every heart.


    Hasidic Prayer for Peace

    Lord of Peace, Divine Ruler, to whom peace belongs.
    Master of Peace, Creator of all things.
    May it be thy will to put an end to war and bloodshed on earth, and to spread a great and wonderful peace over the whole world, so that nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.
    Help us and save us all, and let us cling tightly to the virtue of peace. Let there be a truly great peace between every person and their fellow, and between husband and wife, and let there be no discord between people even in their hearts.
    Let us never shame any person on earth, great or small. May it be granted unto us to fulfill Thy Commandment to 'Love thy neighbor as thyself,' with all our hearts and souls and bodies and possessions.
    God who is peace, bless us with peace.

  2. Prayer for Peace

    FOUND IN: Pursuing Justice, Shabbat, Saturday

    TAGS: Torah Service, Siddur Kol Haneshamah

    From Siddur Kol Haneshama, Sabbath and Festivals | Prayer

    May it be your will, Eternal One, our God, God of our ancestors, that wars and bloodshed be abolished from the world, and bring into the world a great and wonderful and lasting peace. And let no nation lift a sword against a nation—let them learn no more the ways of war!

    Let all who dwell on earth simply acknowledge the truth of truths: that we have not come into this world for the sake of quarreling and war, nor for the sake of hatred, jealousy, anger, or bloodshed; rather, we have come into this world only to know You—may You be blessed eternally!

    Therefore, have mercy on us, and fulfill among us what is written in your Scripture: “I shall give peace upon the earth, and you shall lie down with none to make you afraid. I shall abolish from the earth the predatory beast. The sword shall never come upon your land. Justice shall roll down like the water, and righteousness like a mighty stream. For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of The Omnipresent, as the waters fill the seas.”
